Tag Archives: hiking

Tips for Winter Hiking

Some people reserve hiking for summer months, but we’re here to tell you to get out there and enjoy the whole different experience of winter hiking!!! Here are some tips to get you started: 

Bundle up in layers

It is okay to be a bit chilly as you start out! As you move your body heat will increase. Starting with too many layers will produce excess sweat that will ultimately make you colder. The key is to select comfortable layers that will keep you cozy as you get moving. You can always pack extra layers in a backpack to add! 

Wear shoes with good traction 

Comfortable footwear is the key to a comfortable hike. In the winter it is important to consider both grip and water resistance. Save the Birkenstocks for summer! 

Use walking poles to your advantage 

It is especially advantageous to have an extra support in icy conditions. When trails are covered in snow a pole or stick can help you to brace against tripping hazards such as covered roots.

If you slip and fall, try not to brace yourself with your hands

This is a common cause of injuries in the winter. If you sense you’re going to fall, try your best to fight the urge to brace yourself with your hands forward and your wrists locked. Try to shift your fall to your backside where there is more cushioning .

Walking sideways can help you down a slippery hill 

You can also try going down a hill in a zig-zag pattern rather than straight down. 

A face mask/covering makes for excellent protection against the wind 

Face masks conveniently both protect us from spreading germs but also from the wind! A buff or scarf are also great options! 

Happy Hiking!

There are many lovely locations to explore around Cave Springs. Check back for future posts that highlight some of our favourite places to hike near camp. You can access our neck of the Bruce Trail via the Cave Springs Conservation Area – 3949 Cave Spring Rd.