Snapping Turtle Program

Snapping Turtles is gonna be A BLAST! 

You’re never too old to have fun at camp! For the first summer ever we are offering a day camp program for this age group! Here’s why you should spend a week (or two) at Cave Springs Day Camp as a 13-14 year old this summer: 

Experience nature like you’ve never experienced it before! 

Hike all the way to Ball’s Falls! That’s 12km along the Bruce Trail!!! 

Participate in a Outdoor Skills Day, learn useful skills like fire building, plant identification and MORE! 

Snapping Turtles Takeover

Stay later than the rest of camp one day for an extended fun time including dinner over the fire.

Meet like-minded youth 

Make long- lasting friendships!

Gain role models in your enthusiastic and compassionate camp counsellors.

Socialize in a safe, outdoor setting with new people! 

Get to know the ropes

Learn to belay at high ropes!

Challenge yourself with low-ropes and team building initiatives.

Explore mindfulness, gratitude and spirituality 

Have meaningful and thoughtful conversations with peers about themes such as community, love, trust and faith.

Gain leadership and responsibility

A taste of what it’s like to participate in our Servanthood Leadership Program (SLP) which is offered for 14-15-year-olds! 

Give back to the Camp Community

Design and execute alongside your peers a collaborative legacy project that will remain at camp for years and years to come.