The year round Mission of Cave Springs Camp is to provide opportunities for personal growth in a natural setting. 

A typical school trip to Cave Springs in the Spring and Fall seasons may include a variety of activities. Be sure to inform us in advance of any activities your school cannot participate in, so that schedules can be adjusted accordingly.

Day Trip Activities: 
  • Hiking
  • Forest Study
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Orienteering 
  • Shelter Building
  • Team Building Initiatives
  • Archery
  • Large Group Games 
  • Sports & Field Games 
  • Campfire Building & Activities 
  • Swimming (June only)
  • Water Games 
  • High Ropes (contact us for more details)
  • Low Ropes (coming 2025)
Day Trip Sample:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
9:30 Field Games 
10:00 Forest Study 
10:30 Scavenger Hunt
11:00 Lunch
11:30 Hike 
12:30 Snack/Rest
12:45 Large Group Game 
1:15 Campfire
1:30 Departure
9:30 Forest Study
10:00 Field Games 
10:30 Scavenger Hunt
11:00 Lunch
11:30 Hike 
12:30 Snack/Rest
12:45 Large Group Game 
1:15 Campfire
1:30 Departure 
9:30 Orienteering
10:15 Snack/Rest
10:30 Forest Study 
11:00 Shelter Building 
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Hike 
12:45 Large Group Game
1:15 Campfire
1:30 Departure
9:30 Orienteering
10:15 Snack/Rest
10:30 Shelter Building 
11:00 Forest Study 
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Hike 
12:45 Large Group Game
1:15 Campfire
1:30 Departure

Spring and Falls Rates:  Day Trip $32.00 per student 

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